Whatsapp Status For Friendship Day
“Friendship is bon at that moment when one persone says to another: “What! You Too? I Thought I was the only one.”
“No persone is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.” -Alice Walker
“don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk besides me and be my friend.”
Friends let you know that you are not alone on the road of life.
Through life we suffer. Through friends we never have to suffer alone.
A friend is someone who listens when you speak, undersatnds when you cry and guides you on your way.
A friend is someone who smile when you smile, laugh when you laugh, but hold your hand when you cry.
It would be easier to cut off my hand than lost you as my friend.
Friens are like money in the bank, longer you keep them, the more thet are worth.
I may never get the chance to win the lottery. I may never get the chance to go on vacation. But I have the chance to be your friend, that chance I will take..
A good friend finds it harder to hold a pencil than to hold a grudge.
Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bonds between friends remains ever strong.
Friends are the roses of life: pick them carefully and avoid yje throns.
Never look back. Never regret. Never remember the people you have met. Never begin. Never end. Never says never when it comes to your friends.
True friends are the people who brighten your smile every time you r with them..
Whatsapp Status For Friendship Day