Bacteria That Causes Sorter’s Disease
Question Answer Bacteria That Causes Sorter’s Disease Ans : Bacillus Anthracis Bacteria That Causes Sorter’s Disease Facebook Comments Box
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Question Answer Bacteria That Causes Sorter’s Disease Ans : Bacillus Anthracis Bacteria That Causes Sorter’s Disease Facebook Comments Box
Essay On Water and Minerals The Water and Minerals is required by the plant for photosynthesis are absorbed by the roots of the plant from the soil through the process of osmosis . Water and Minerals absorbed by the roots are transported to the leaves by the vessels called Xylem vessels which is run like…
Sunlight The green plants can make their own food in the presence of Sunlight . The chlorophyll present in green leaves traps the Sunlight energy and convert it into the chemical energy stored in the food by the process of photosynthesis . Facebook Comments Box
Plants Also synthesise Proteins And Fats We know that plants synthesis carbohydrates through the process of photosynthesis . Plant can also synthesis other components of food such as Proteins And Fats . Proteins are nitrogenous substances which contain nitrogen . From where do the plants obtain nitrogen . We know that nitrogen Plants Also synthesise Proteins…
Essay On Photosynthesis Green plants are autotrophs and make their own food by the process called Photosynthesis . The Word Photo means light and the word synthesis means to build .Thus Photosynthesis means building up by light . The leavs of the plant are green because they contain tiny green coloured bodies called chloroplaste which…
QUESTION ANSWER What Is Nutrition Nutrition is the process of taking food by an organism and its digestion , absorption and utilisation by the body. What Is Nutrition Facebook Comments Box
Essay On Modes Of Nutrition The modes of nutrition for different organisms are different .They are mainly two typesof modees of nutrition . Essay On Modes Of Nutrition Facebook Comments Box
Essay On Importance Of Photosynthesis Can You imagine the Earth in the absence of the process of Photosynthesis ? No Why ? Photosynthesis enables the green plants to make their own food . In the absence of Photosynthesis there would not be any plant . The survival of all animals in the world , directly…
English Word Game These are 15 things which we see daily, correct the spelling … It’s CHALLENGE 4 U ❓ 01. Dysmoemgjiahna= 02. Evtlesnioi= 03. Miet= 04. Boilme= 05. Ishtr= 06. Agdrne= 07. Solhoc= 08. sjdmai= 09. Tsere= 10. Yclecs= 11. Neplci= 12. Odosr= 13. Thgli= 14. Sglas = 15. Owilpl= NOTE : Q…