Essay On Nutrition In Plants

Plants use inorganic minerals for nutrition, whether grown in the field or in a container. Complex interactions involving weathering of rock minerals, decaying organic matter, animals, and microbes take place to form inorganic minerals in soil. Roots absorb mineral nutrients as ions in soil water.When we look around , we find a variety of living organsims . They differ in shape , structure and size . Yet they show some similarities in their activities . To maintain their life , they have to performe certain basic life processes like nutrition , respiration , growth and reproduction . In order to performe all life processes , every organisms requires a daily supply of energy . The food we eat provides us energy.We already know about the various components of food likeproteins , carbohdrates , fats , vitamins and minerals .Theseare called nutrients .The nutrients enable living organisms to build their bodies , grow ,repair damaged parts of their bodies and provide energy to carry out life processes .
Essay On Nutrition In Plants