A photograph of the new Rs 1,000 note, with the word ‘specimen’ on it, has emerged on social media. As always, the platforms are buzzing with speculations aplenty. Has it been photoshopped or is this the actual note we’ll get to lay our hands on?
We don’t quite know yet, but here’s a glimpse of everything that has been happening
Incidentally, the Finance Ministry had earlier denied plans to introduce new Rs 1000 notes. A source in the ministry, who we contacted to confirm if the image was real, chose not to comment.
Digging through the government’s notifications and archives also proved futile.
As a result, as of December 1, there is no shred of evidence which proves that the image is authentic.
Having said that, if the government is indeed planning to introduce a new Rs 1000 note, its likely that we will have to wait for an official announcement from the centre. Before that, there’s very little that can be done to verify its authenticity