Benjamin Franklin once said ‘If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail’. If you are not setting your goals beforehand, you won’t be able to succeed in life. Success only comes to those who are focused, determined, and enthusiastic to achieve something in life. Success only comes to those who know what they want to do in their lives, what goal they have to achieve. Even if they get fail once, they aren’t the people who look back, they try to achieve their goals and, at last, they achieve it. If you are sure about what you are looking for in your life, what is that one thing you want to achieve you are not preparing to achieve, you are preparing for failure.
Long-term goals are somewhat difficult to achieve but taking that small-small step ultimately takes you towards that one goal. Coming over those small hurdles leads you towards your one main goal. One individual is well planned, well organized about what they are required to do. Hence, such individuals never lose hope or lose their focus and move towards achieving their objective.
Individuals who are not organized, well planned are only preparing for failure in their life. They don’t have a set goal in life, they losses their focus easily, they losses their hope easily. Since they are not clear about their goals, they give up easily as they are unable to face challenges in their life. These individuals are unclear about their long-term goals, hence give up facing the small hurdles in their way.
If we are not preparing, we are setting ourselves up for failure. Contrariwise, if we are preparing, we are setting ourselves up for success. People with determination just focus on their goal, they are not distracted by anything, they are clear about their goals and hence succeed in their lives. For these people to see what is right, and not do it is a lack of courage. People with unclear thoughts, goals, and lack of courage only focus on the pain and difficulties they are getting in their way to achieve the goals, they don’t focus on the progress they are making in achieving that goal and hence end up ruining their life and end up as a failure.
To be successful, you will need to do some sort of preparation. This might be learning something, practicing something, or making or planning something. If one is motivated, determined, well-planned nothing can be impossible for them. These individuals know if someone says. “It is impossible, it is impossible for them not for you”. Conversely, the person with a lack of courage gives excuses and is unable to work on their flaws.
Charles Dickens said, “I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, diligence, and the determination to concentrate on one subject at a time”. These are the qualities and key ingredients for success. Success does not come to people easily; a lot of hard work, dedication, and planning are required.
Some people understand it, some neglect it, and here comes the difference between the one who is successful and one who is just crying and not trying hard to achieve its goal.
Giving up is not an option for some and for some giving up is the only option and it is when we understand the true meaning of the quote ‘If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail’. When one understands that great things only come with time is when he realizes that he is required to do in his life what he was looking for in his life.
So, if you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way and then you will realize you have come a long way to achieve your goals. Then only your determination, motivation, and courage will show their true colours. A person cannot go back and change the beginning, he can at least start from where he is and change the ending. You’ve must have heard it, “Giving up is not an option”, but when it comes to how not to give up, it could be difficult sometimes. Despite the overwhelming feeling of wanting to just give up, it’s the most important time not to.
Rightly said by Winston Churchill, “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”