Are you looking to grow your Twitter following? If so, exporting your Twitter following list is the perfect way to do it. Not only will this help you add new followers from all over the world, but it will also improve the credibility of your account. Follow these simple steps to export your Twitter following list and get started growing your following today.
Table of Contents
What is Twitter following list?
Twitter follows list is a simple way to see who are following your account. You can export your twitter following list in a CSV file.twitter follows list
How to export Twitter following list?
Twitter provides a way to export your following list in CSV or XML format.
To export your following list:
1. Sign in to your Twitter account.
2. Click on the three lines in the top right corner of the main page.
3. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
4. Under “General,” click on “Followers.”
5. On the right side of the screen, under “Export,” select “CSV (comma-separated values) or XML.”
6. Save the file to your computer and open it in a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Google Sheets.
7. Delete any columns that you don’t need, such as your username and followers’ addresses.
8. To add a column for each Twitter account you’re following, type its name in the first row of the spreadsheet, and then type a column header for that row, such as “Name” or “Type.” You can then copy and paste the data for each Twitter account into that row’s column.(…)
How to import Twitter following list?
Twitter follows list imports and exports can be done using several different methods. The most popular way is to use a third-party program such as TwitFollower or FollowExporter. These programs will allow you to export your Twitter following list in a variety of formats, including CSV, JSON, and XML. Once the follow list has been exported, it can be imported into another program, such as Hootsuite, to manage and monitor the followers.
To export your Twitter following list using TwitFollower:1) Launch TwitFollower2) Click on the “Settings” button3) Under “Import,” select “Export Follow List”4) In the “Export Format” dropdown menu, select CSV5) In the “File Name” field, enter a filename for your follow list6) Click on the “Export List” button7) When the export process is complete, review the file for accuracy8) Navigate to the file location on your computer9) Open the file in a text editor10) Delete any unwanted lines11) Save the file12) Close TwitFollower13) Delete any unnecessary folders from your hard driveIf you’d like to export your Twitter following list using FollowExporter:1) Launch FollowExporter2) Select “Import/Export” from the main menu3) Under “Import,” select “Twitter Following List”4) In the “Import Format” dropdown menu, select XML5)
Steps to exporting a twitter following list
Export your twitter following list by following these steps:
1. Log in to Twitter and click the “followers” tab at the top of the screen.
2. Click on the “export followers” button next to your profile picture.
3. Select the “csv” format and specify a filename for your file.
4. Click save and you’re done!
How to export your followers list in JSON
Twitter has a fairly user-friendly export function that allows you to export your followers list in JSON format.
To export your followers list, first log in to your Twitter account and visit the Account settings page. On this page, under “Settings,” select the “Profile” tab and then select the “Followers” tab. Under the “Export Followers” heading, select the “JSON” radio button and provide your desired output file name. Finally, click the blue “Export Followers” button to generate your file.
When exporting your followers list in JSON format, Twitter will create a file that looks something like this:
[ { “id”: 1, “name”: “@jason_peters”, “screen_name”: “@jasonpeters”, “location”: “New York City”, “_links”: { }, “_followingURLs”: [ ], “_mentionsCount”: 0 } ]
How to export your followers list in CSV
If you’d like to export your Twitter following list in CSV, follow these steps: 1. Log into your Twitter account and select “Profile” from the menu on the left. 2. Under “Advanced settings,” click on ” follower exports .” 3. On the “Export followers list” page, select “CSV” from the drop-down menu and enter a file name for the file (e.g., “followers-csv”). 4. Click on “Download.” 5. Open the exported file in a spreadsheet editor such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. 6. To make column headings, type a number in each column of the spreadsheet (e.g., 1 for “Followers”), and then press Ctrl+A to select all of the cells in that column. 7. Type a title for each column of the spreadsheet (e.g., Name), and then press Ctrl+C to copy the cell contents to the clipboard. 8. Go back to Twitter and paste (Ctrl+V) the row headings from your followers list into each corresponding column of your spreadsheet, replacing any numbers with actual user names (e.g., John Doe would be inserted as 1 in Column A, John Doe 2 would be inserted as 2 in Column A, etc.). 9. When you’re finished, save your spreadsheet by pressing Ctrl+S or clicking on File->Save As… 10.. Congratulations! You’ve now exported your Twitter following list in CSV format!
If you’re looking to export your twitter following list in a format that can be used for marketing purposes, there are a few different options available. Depending on the platform you’re using, exporting your Twitter following list in CSV or XML format is always a good start. Additionally, some platforms offer plugins that make exporting your Twitter following list easy and quick. So if you’re looking to get the most out of your Twitter following, ExportYourFollowers offers a comprehensive guide on how to do just that!