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Essay On Simple Ways to Stop Global Warming
Global warming is the current major problem in front of the world. Generally some repeated suggestions are pointed out to control the global warming but it is necessary to take some firm steps to save our environment. Here are some really useful solutions to prevent the attack of global warming up to remarkable level. Here are some simple ways to stop global warming.
Global warming is nothing but an increase in the surface temperature of the earth. This leads to some unexpected climatic changes on earth. The main causative factor of global warming is carbon dioxide emission and methane emission. Effects of global warming are spreading of diseases, melting glaciers and Polar Ice Caps, extreme Weather conditions, droughts, humidity changes, heat waves etc. It is our responsibility to take necessary steps to prevent global warming. The following simple ways can definitely help you to stop global warming permanently.
Reduce carbon emission
The carbon emissions by vehicles are the major causes considered for global warming. The best thing we can do to help our environment is to use public vehicles instead of personal one. You can choose an option of bike instead of car. Buses, trains and taxis can help you much better. If all of us think in this way then there will be much difference found in air pollution and even in the prices of fuels. Skipping on own bicycle is the best option for preventing global warming as well as leading healthier life. By practicing this you can give your share to global warming control.
Prefer local food
When we are visiting super markets we can get a variety of fruits and vegetables available over there. These variety items are imported from the different parts of world for our convenience. But the one thing we can notice that these fruits are not the seasonal fruits. Also to transport these fruits and vegetables to different countries needs a huge amount of green house gases. Instead of this give first preference to purchase seasonal fruits or vegetables from the local farmers. The fruits are vegetables grown in your own locality are fresher, healthier and cheaper than the imported ones. By doing this you can cut off carbon from our intakes and help out environment effectively.
Build an energy efficient home
It is considered that the houses built with modern technologies are main provider of global warming. The materials used to build a modern house like concrete consumes much energy to be manufactured and it is the major cause of pollution. We can think about the solution of building a smart home with the idea of solar plan. These types of houses keep cooler in summer and warmer in winter to avoid the uses of air condition and room heater. The natural materials used to build these types of houses like straws; sand or clay won’t damage our environment and thus help to prevent global warming.
Change your life style from modern to simple
We can bring a little change in our life style by simplifying it. We can reduce the consumption of environment by reducing our necessities. If every one of us avoids shopping of new clothes or shoes for few days then it can save the better amount of consumption of environment. This practice can even help you to save your money every month. The increasing necessities of human being are causing damage to environment rapidly!
Spread a word to fight against global warming
When you want to take some step against global warming then it is must to be shared them with your friends and relatives. Those who are working on eco-friendly projects, we need to support them in their efforts. The more we give time for our mother earth, the lesser is the risk of global warming. It is equally important to educate our new generation about global warming and solutions to prevent it. Some small but useful steps can save our mother earth from many ecological problems like global warming.