Permanent Wind
question answer Permanent Wind Blow in a certain direction permanently all around the earth like Trade , Polar winds and westerlies Permanent Wind
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question answer Permanent Wind Blow in a certain direction permanently all around the earth like Trade , Polar winds and westerlies Permanent Wind
Question answer Variable Wind Change direction often like Cyclone and anticyclone Variable Wind
Question answer What is local wind Regional wins influence a particular area and popular known by their own name like Loo in India and Harmattan in Africa Sahara What is local wind
What were the measure adopted by the Akbar to extend his empire 1 Through direct conquest 2 Through matrimonial alliances with Rajput princess 3 By winning the trust of rajput ruler and gining them high position What were the measure adopted by the Akbar to extend his empire
Write short note on the mugal relations with a Europens during the region of jahangir Jahangir had a friendly relations with the Portuguess because of pirancy resulted he with drawal of conessions .The english ruler James I sent two ambassadors Captain William Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe to gain trade concessions .He gave the english…
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Essay On Insectivorous Plant A few plants feed on insects for fulfilling their nitrogens requirement . Such as insect eating plant are called Insectivorous Plant . Pitcher plant , Utricularia , Venus , Flytrap , Drosera are Insectivorous Plant . They are generally green plants . As they can prepare own food . But for preparing…