Cyberbullying is defined as the use of computers or other electronic devices to intimidate, threaten, or humiliate others. Social media takes cyberbullying to a new level. When returning to high school, the children were bullied and heard angry comments. , Common nicknames, etc., but now almost all age groups are subject to various forms of harassment online.
Here, “Saraha” is an Arabic word that roughly means “honest”. This application was also developed by the native Arab Zayn Alabdin Tawfik. The app is widely spread because of its unique ability to send anonymous messages to anyone. But does this app also contribute to cyberbullying?
The whole idea is so popular that Saraha has become one of the top apps in the Apple App Store in more than 30 countries; in addition, according to BBC reports, Sarahah has registered more than 300 million accounts.
According to a study by Ditch the Label, cyberbullying affects approximately 17% of people under the age of 20. Although the Play Store’s score is 2.9 stars, this percentage may be affected by such apps.
According to the 2017 Bullying Survey, 41% of respondents stated that they have social anxiety due to cyberbullying, 37 suffer from depression, and about 26% have suicidal thoughts.
According to I-SAFE cyberbullying statistics, more than 25% of teenagers have been bullied by mobile phones or the Internet multiple times.
According to the description of the Google Play Store app, “Saraha helps people grow by providing constructive and anonymous feedback.” In addition, this app does not ask for your phone number, which allows you to remain anonymous globally. Provides an actual link, and when clicked, a text box with the famous “leave constructive message” appears. The word “constructive” is usually ignored by most people. There you write the desired message, after clicking the sent message, it will be sent to the recipient’s device.
The app is an ideal place for cyberbullying, although it does provide some privacy and security options. First, turn off “show in search” or report offensive comments. Days is that it allows users to say what they want about anything without revealing their identity.
Providing such a platform for openly expressing ideas also has the risk of doubling the risk of cyberbullying, because especially young people do not have this freedom of expression and can be extended to various lengths, which can also be seriously harmful. Speed up some uncomfortable situations, which may become a serious obstacle for a group of young people.
There is always room for improvement. Through this app, you can understand your personality, your true reflection, and help you shape a better personality than now.
It can sometimes be used as a crisis awareness tool to prepare for a possible crisis so that they can fully understand the situation, such as a natural disaster that is spreading and approaching the area. , We can inform you of this very well, so that in the near future it will further weaken the impact on your recovery.
Since it is an open and anonymous platform, some comments may hurt your feelings, which will lower your confidence and eventually make you depressed.
Cyberbullying is one of the main problems of anonymous messaging applications such as Whisper, Secret, Sarahah.
Another disadvantage of this application may also be that we cannot reply to the anonymous person who sent that particular message, making it difficult to communicate with others.
By adding, we can say that we need to use the app correctly and promote it for useful purposes. Teens have added Sarah’s link to their Instagram account profile so they can get anonymous comments. An influential user base, this is good news.