Every Ship has its own journey and it needs to be set to voyage no matter how much deep the ocean is , how far the destination is , how much time it takes to reach the destination , how harsh the conditions are for it , whether weather be in its favour or not , does the food available is enough for survival or not , is there appropriate security tools for protection , will it be able to surpass the storms awaiting it in its way , will it be able to cope up with unknown danger , is the material strong enough to protect it from sinking and many other countless questions in mind . But still Ship goes for its journey because that is what life is . We need to go on as we just can’t stop fearing the deep waters.
We all are ships destined to meet our journey . Be it involves completing it without any issue or sink in between . We all are social creatures and are highly affected by the society . Our ocean is this society only which involves all its traits be it for the good or for the evil. We are inevitably surrounding in this atmosphere . There are numerous problems in society including harrasment , bullying , crimes , murder , jealousy , hatred , violence , intake of illegal and harmful drugs , and many more . All these social evils are a part of our society but it all depends on oneself only to be pursued by it or not . As it goes by an old saying that Ships don’t sink because of the water around them , Ships sink because of the water that gets into them .
A youngster when moves out s/he is exposed to a lot of new things which can be good or opposite . Everyone lives in the same society yet it all depends on one’s individual choice which makes a difference . A youngster is as raw in society as a new ship in ocean . Ship has a hull which makes it watertight ; it has a stern which is an aft end structure designed to provide low resistance , high propulsion vibrancy & avoid vibrations it is the most rearmost part of a ship that keeps the water out ; rudder who steers the ship so that vehicle moves in the desired direction and many other parts including propeller , anchor , keel , hatch covers etc. All these parts together help in making a strong ship so that when it sets out on voyage it would be able to face the coming dangers and don’t let water come in it to prevent it from sinking . Similarly an individual’s mindset should be made this much strong that unethical values forced by the society doesn’t get involved with nuisance acts . We should be determined and well aware enough to mark out difference between right and wrong and choose the right path. We can’t be simply deteriorated just by living in a society with fouls it’s just what we let to enter in ourselves .
We humans are fickle minded and get pursued with others . As a small child does not know what and how things really are . This way they can come under bad influence . When a youngster/ teenager steps out in open then there are a lot of influences on him/her of every kind where in order to become extra cool they get fascinated by some wrong persons and start getting involved with undesirable activities which lands them in trouble or in other language they sink because they allowed water in come in their ship and ultimately that ship sinks. This is a sad but true and undeniable fact .
This modern world is running at such a rapid pace that oneself doesn’t even has the time to introspect their actions and till the time they actually realise this their ship had already sank and now there is nothing left to improve , one can just regret with heavy hearts . Whenever we commit a mistake rather than grieving about it one always make sure to take the next step with utmost care . We should also learn from past instances . Who knew once known the richest country India would be under slavery of the English men who robbed and took control over the whole country , where lot of people had already surrendered themselves to them but among those people our freedom fighters who didn’t let the influence dominate their minds . They fought with their heart and soul and finally freed India . We have such great instances which all leads to the conclusion that no matter how dominant forces are outside , it’s all on us . If we have made the screws strong enough in building the ship then water won’t be able to enter in it similarly if we have made our principles strong enough which don’t allow the unfavorable traits to enter then we can’t be brought down .
We all know that human is a social being and in order to
survive s/he needs to interact with others . Life is not some happy-go-lucky thing , it shows to us every part of society and its not necessary that everything goes well as we have planned it . There are unknown dangers at every step awaiting their prey . In great Indian Mythology story Mahabharata , a warrior named Karna who was son of Sun God was a very skillful warrior who was ready to donate everything that he had been asked but he let the traits of jealous and hatred towards Pandavas especially Arjuna took over his willpower under the company of Duryodhana and Kauravas which eventually made him choose wrong path and get engaged in unrighteous deeds which ultimately resulted his death in combat . It is not even necessary that when one person is in an not so liked atmosphere then that person is also bad , as not to forget that lotus also grows in sticky mud . It’s all what we allow us to engage with and what we ourselves stop from entering our mind .
At the end of the day one is master of his own choices . Undoubtedly society is habitual of forcing things on us and people even come under influence . Should we do this ? No! Should we let someone else takeover our lives ? No! ; Yes it’s true that we are heroes of our own story in our own ways but not to forget that in our own desires we not rub the line between right and wrong . Just like in order to keep a ship moving in a balanced manner it’s navigation , engine should be perfect , the material should to strong enough to withstand the high tides and screws tight to not let the water get inside it for sinking ; just like that our mind thoughts should be clear enough to understand the righteous so that our life moves in a balanced manner . We are highly affected by emotions but we shouldn’t let what’s happening around us get inside us and weigh us down . It’s our boat and now it’s on us whether we want to keep it moving swiftly with virtues of morality , respect , truth , patience , good deeds or open the doors for evil to get inside to destroy us like improper material used to make ships which ultimately results in welcoming water and finally sinks .