The incident took place in India on 27 November when a POCO M3 smartphone caught fire and exploded. The incident was shared on Twitter by Mahesh, brother of the alleged victim.
There are many reports of phone explosions this year. Be it the case of a Vivo phone catching fire during shipping or the OnePlus Nord 2 exploding in pocket. A similar incident happened in India on 27 November when a POCO M3 caught fire and exploded. The incident was shared on Twitter by Mahesh (@mahesh08716488), brother of the alleged victim.
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The picture went viral before the tweet was deleted
In the now-deleted tweet, the user has not given much information about the incident, what caused the incident and how the fire started and phone got blasted. POCO acknowledged the problem and replied to the tweet saying that customer safety is very important and it takes such matters seriously.
In tweet, Mahesh shared a picture of a burnt POCO M3 Smartphone, which shows that the middle and bottom parts of the back of the phone are burnt. No casualty or injury has been reported in incident.
POCO gave such an answer
According to 91mobiles, that has contacted Poco regarding this incident, POCO has said, “At POCO India, the safety of customers is of utmost importance and we take such matters very seriously. At this stage, our team is probing the matter to find out the cause and ensure that the matter is resolved at the earliest. All our devices go through various levels of quality tests to ensure that the quality of the device is not compromised at any level.”