5 Useful Tips For Driving Traffic To Your Site

Every second a new blog turns out and a blog goes down. This is happens for many common reasons and one of them is lack of website traffic.
A website with no traffic is like a boat floating in a big ocean where no one has to watch it. But do you know why your site still not getting the decent traffic, after trying so hard? What it takes to obtain valuable traffic to your site? Why most of the blogger failed to collect organic traffic?
I am sure many of you still don’t know the exact reason behind all these questions. But, first let me tell you why most of the bloggers resist to get superior organic traffic. Well, there are many reasons to look for but these three are common and most crucial too.
* Not focusing on SEO optimization
* Not focusing on social media and
* Not engaging with readers.
These three are the most common mistakes done by any blogger. And I am sure many of you still doing this but if serious about getting reasonable traffic in the thousands of crowd then stop doing it immediately. Don’t worry guys, today I am here giving you the top 5 surefire techniques to boost up your sites traffics volume. So are you ready to maximize your sites traffic performance?
1. Make A Unique Website
This point stands top of my list because it is the first and foremost factor for getting traffic. There are thousands of blog available over the internet then why should people visit your blog? Is your blog providing giving something fresh and worth reading, while no one ever would ever leave your blog without subscribing?
Before hoping to get traffic, every time ask these questions yourself. If you have compelling answers then you’re good to go and build a superior blog that gets more traffic as a will result increase sales and earning revenue.
Firstly, choose a unique responsive design and pick a logo which is focused on your niches. And after recent Google’s algorithm updates you need to certify that, your site is fully optimized for search engines and also for mobiles. And you should remember 14px and 16px is the ideal font for writing contents. Obtaining an interesting site design can double your page views each day.
2. Keyword Research
Keyword research is one of the vital aspects behind any successful site. I have seen many unskilled bloggers write post without doing any keyword research. And if you continue to doing this you will lose your valuable ranking which is worst for anyone. So, catching beneficial keywords is the only way to get organic traffic.
It doesn’t matter if you write an enormous content until you insert proper keywords into that. As I mentioned above without adding profitable keywords, your post is not so effective to search engines. As a result you will surely lose your traffic.
Thus, knowing your opponent’s site traffic will help you to find money-spinning keywords. So, whenever you do keyword research don’t forget observe your competitor’s site traffic.
3. Get More Visibility around Blogosphere
Just creating a site is not enough to maximize your site traffic volume. If people don’t know you are what you are actually offering, it is impossible to get good amount of visitors. You need to stretch your brand in blogosphere. Because, if people know you, then they will trust you, link and share your post whenever you post something.
Commenting on other blogs related to your niche is the evergreen way to bring traffic to your blog. But don’t act as robot commentator who leaves comment just for the backlinks and traffic. Read their post completely and leave thrilling comment, this practice will impress the admin and other commentators too and will put together a ideal user interaction.
Also, guest posting on other blogs is such great way to drive tons of visitors to your site. The more guest posts are published the more people will know you and it is very good for your site’s performance point of view. And, always try to write more than 5 guest posts each month.
4. Write Convincing Headlines
People always want something fresh and unique posts. This is reason why most of the visitors look read your titles first then the rest. If you providing an ordinary or boring headlines to the readers then they will not like it, and you can lose your valuable subscribers also.
Headlines are always important aspect of any content. And it shows up in important places like search engines, social media links and everywhere. So, for receiving good amount visitors you should give a attractive title first.
5. Social Media Approach
Social media is a key factor behind every blogs. So, there is now way you can overlook it. Did you ever ask yourself why you’re not getting activity from social media? Main problem is that you’re not interactive with other fellows. Stop hanging around, start posting valuable question and provide help to the others problems. Similarly, you can use hashtags (#) to get into your niche conversation.
5 Useful Tips For Driving Traffic To Your Site